Welcome to Search Quality Rating

The Search quality rating

The purpose of search quality ratings will be used to evaluate search engine quality around the world. Good search engines give results that are helpful for users in their specific language and locale. The search quality rating depends on the :

1. Page Quality Rating

2. Needs met Rating

Why should we consider the Search Quality Rating:

The Search Quality rating evaluates what human quality raters use to estimate websites and SERPs. They don’t directly affect rankings but their judgments are used to improve Google’s search algorithm.


A Page Quality (PQ) rating task consists of a URL and a grid to record your observations, in order to guide your exploration of the landing page and the website associated with the URL. Conclusively, the goal of the Page Quality rating is to evaluate how well the page achieves its purpose. By the upgraded technology, we migrated from different types of websites and webpages can have very different purposes, our expectations and standards for different types of pages are also different.
In order to be a successful Page Quality rater, the following implementation to achieve the task:
● Your experience using the web as an ordinary user in your rating locale.
● In-depth knowledge of these guidelines.
● Practice doing PQ rating tasks.
● Webpages and websites change rapidly.
● The information was accurate at the time it was added, but content and websites may change over time.
●User-friendly interface to show pages on desktop and mobile devices.

Key terms in the Page Quality Rating:

A webpage is connected to the World Wide Web and can be viewed or “visited” using a web browser (e.g., Chrome), a browser on your phone, or a search app. Today, webpage content includes many forms of media (such as images, videos, etc.) and functionality (such as online shopping features, email, calculator functionality, online games, etc).

A URL is a character string that your web browser uses to “find” and display a webpage. Page Quality rating doesn’t require you to have an in-depth understanding of the structure of URLs.

A website or site is a group of World Wide Web pages usually containing hyperlinks to each other and made available online by an individual, company, educational institution, government, or organization. Popular websites include Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, YouTube, etc.

A homepage of a website is the main page of the site. It is usually the first page that users see when the site loads. You can usually find the homepage of a website by clicking on a “home” link / Tab/logo link on subpages of a website.

For example, https://www.iconquerors.com is the homepage of the iConquerors site,

A subpage on a website is any page on the site other than the homepage.

For example, http://www.iconquerors.com/digital-service is a subpage on the iConquerors website

A webmaster is a person who is responsible for maintaining a website.

What is the purpose of the Webpage:

The purpose of a webpage is the reason why the page was created. Every page on the Internet is created for a purpose, or for multiple purposes. Most pages are created to be helpful for users, thus having a beneficial purpose and merely to make money, with little or no effort to help users. Unfortunately, Some pages are even created to cause harm to users.
Importance of the webpage to determine the purpose of the Page Quality rating?
● The goal of the PQ rating is to determine how well a page achieves its purpose.
● By understanding the purpose of the page, you’ll better understand what criteria are important to consider when evaluating that particular page.
● Websites and pages should be created to help users. (Ex: Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.,)
● To share information about a topic.
● To share personal or social information.
● To share pictures, videos, or other forms of media.
● To express an opinion or point of view.
● To entertain.
● To sell products or services.
● To allow users to post questions for other users to answer.
● To allow users to share files or to download software.

Understanding Webpage Content

In order to understand the purpose of a webpage and do Page Quality rating, you will need to be able to distinguish among these different parts of the page. All of the content on a webpage can be classified as one of the following:

1.Main Content (MC):

Main Content is any part of the page that directly helps the page achieve its purpose. Webmasters directly control the MC of the page (except for user-generated content). MC can be text, images, videos, page features (e.g., calculators, games), or it can be user-generated content such as videos, reviews, articles, etc. that users have added or uploaded to the page. Note that tabs on some pages lead to even more information (e.g., customer reviews) and can sometimes be considered part of the MC of the page.

2.Supplementary Content(SC)

Supplementary Content contributes to good user experience on the page but does not directly help the page achieve its purpose. SC is controlled by webmasters and is an important part of the user experience. One common type of SC is navigation links that allow users to visit other parts of the website. Note that in some cases, the content behind tabs may be considered part of the SC of the page.

3.Advertisements/Monetization (Ads):

Ads may contribute to good user experience. Advertisements/Monetization (Ads) are content and/or links that are displayed for the purpose of monetizing (making money from) the page. The presence or absence of Ads is not by itself a reason for a High or Low-quality rating. Without advertising and monetization, some webpages could not exist because it costs money to maintain a website and create high-quality content.

Most Important Factors for Page Quality Rating:

The following are the prominent factors for Page Quality Rating:
● The Purpose of the Page
● Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness(E-A-T): This is an important quality characteristic. Use your research on the additional factors below to inform your rating.
● Main Content Quality and Amount: The rating should be based on the landing page of the task URL.
● Website Information/information about who is responsible for the MC: Find information about the website as well as the creator of the MC.
● Website Reputation/reputation about who is responsible for the MC: Links to help with reputation research will be provided.


There are many different kinds of queries and results, but the process of rating is the same: Needs Met rating tasks ask you to focus on mobile user needs and think about how helpful and satisfying the result is for the mobile users.

Fully Meets (FullyM): A special rating category, which only applies to certain queries and results. All or almost all mobile users would be immediately and fully satisfied by the result and would not need to view other results to satisfy their needs.

Highly Meets (HM): A rating of Highly Meets is assigned to results that meet the needs of many or most users. Highly Meets results are highly satisfying and a good “fit” for the query. In addition, they often have some or all of the following characteristics: high quality, authoritative, entertaining, and/or recent (e.g., breaking news on a topic).

Moderately Meets (MM): A rating of Moderately Meets is assigned to results that are helpful and satisfying for many users or very satisfying for some users. Moderately Meets results have fewer valuable attributes than Highly Meets results. Moderately Meets results should still “fit” the query, but they might be less comprehensive, less up-to-date, come from a less authoritative source, etc.

Slightly Meets (SM):
A rating of Slightly Meets is assigned to results that are helpful and satisfying for some or a few users. Slightly Meets results may serve a minor interpretation, be low quality, have stale or outdated information, have some minor inaccuracies, be too specific, too broad, too niche for the general user population considering the query, etc. to receive a higher rating.

Fails to Meet (FailsM): A rating of Fails to Meet should be assigned to results that are helpful and satisfying for no or very few users. Fails to Meet results are unrelated to the query, factually incorrect (please check for the factual accuracy of answers), and/or all or almost all users would want to see additional results. These results completely fail to meet the user intent, such as a lack of attention to an aspect of the query (or user location) that is important for satisfying user intent. Fails to Meet may also be used for results that are extremely low quality, have very stale or outdated information, be nearly impossible to use on a mobile device, etc.


As a Search Quality Rater, you will work on many different types of rating tasks. This chapter provides guidance on how to use certain features of the Evaluation Platform that you will encounter frequently in Page Quality (PQ) and Needs Met (NM) rating tasks.

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