SEO Audit 2020

Looking for a detailed SEO Audit to increase your organic traffic? Let’s cover important tips with a brief explanation. 

What is an SEO Audit?

SEO Audit is the way to improve your SEO campaign and to identify weak points in a website which are hurting/harming your performance. 

When should we do an Audit?

If your website is struggling with low page speed, drop down ranking, spam links, irrelevant links, etc.., 

If these types of issues were found on your website then you go for an audit to improve your website performance.

Because this kind of performance will affect a negative impact on SEO. 

This audit may be done once in monthly, quarterly, 6 months or maybe one year, it totally depends upon the performance of your website. 

should do an audit once in monthly, quarterly, 6 months and one year depends up on the website issues.

Why Audit is important in SEO?

It is important to perform SEO Audit because to know your website performance is up-to-date with the latest developments and to know what needs to be changed in a website to improve ranking in SERP.

9 main tips to perform SEO Audit in 2020:

Every marketer has a desire to hit the 1st position in SERP but before stepping into the detailed article here are some important tips which need to implement on your website.

1. Strategic Objectives:

It is a long-term organizational goal that helps to convert broad vision into a more specific plan & project. SEO is intended to achieve a goal using the “SMART” principle.

2. Unique Content:

Create content in natural language as you are responding to a friend so that the user can find the information easily. Unique content builds the authority in online and gives quality results. Content with infographics is the best way to reach the right audience and gives a clear overview to understand in an easy way and improves website performance to boost traffic effectively.

3. Use LSI Keywords

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) is associated with search related to the main keyword and that is targeted to use in content because they share the same context which shows at the bottom of a search engine results page (SERP). When we use LSI keywords it increases the search relevancy of a website.

lsi keywords

4. Use Internal and External Links:

Internal Link: 

A link that redirects from one page to another page within the same domain. When search engine spiders find your website and follow the links to discover additional web pages to organize content on your site and helps visitors to find information quickly. This helps readers and search engines find your content. 

External Link:

An External link is an important component of Google’s search algorithm in SEO that the link redirects from a page to another domain. Links from poor quality sites will have a negative impact. Encourage links from authority sites, rich and relevant content to your website. This will help to improve your website value.

5. Work on UX:

UX (User Experience) is also a ranking factor. According to Google Algorithm RankBrain, it is the third most important factor in SEO. To evaluate your content quality they measure how a user interacts with your website. Below are the factors which help you to improve your UX.

Factors to be considered under user experience (UX) signals:

  • Dwell time:

It refers to the length of time when a user stays on a page before returning to the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). 

  • Bounce rate:

The percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. The minimum bounce rate is 40%-55%.

  • Pogo sticking:

When a user performs a search query and clicks on the results page from SERPs to your website and immediately bounces off by hitting the back button to search results and then visit another website to find relevant information. This type of user behavior is a direct result of immediate dissatisfaction in the search result.

  • Organic CTR:

Organic CTR (Click through rate) is an important factor to measure your search engine rankings. when a user visits your website through snippets that are found in the search results. 

  • Search Intent:

It is the practice of optimizing your content to match the most common commercial intents associated with your target keywords. To improve search visibility you must focus on user intent.

6. Work on your Backlinks:

It is important to identify the links from which domains they are pointing towards your website. Identify the spammy links and disavow the links. Search engine determines the quality links to improve ranking in SERP. MOZ, Ahrefs, etc.., are the best tools to check backlinks of your website.

7. Competitor Analysis:

To rank higher in the Google search engine results page first you have to know who is your competitor and what are his strengths for ranking higher i.e., in the first of google results page.

By analyzing competitors you will get an exact idea on how to develop your website. Competitor’s websites are like tools to make your own site better.

Tips to improve your website ranking by analyzing competitors:

  • Analyze competitor’s website content.
  • Analyze competitor backlinks through Ahrefs.
  • Discover competitor keywords.
  • Traffic sources and referrals through Similar Web Metrics.

8. Increase Your Page Speed:

Ensure that your website is loading quickly on both the devices (desktop and mobile) because as per the latest updates Google Page Speed is considered as a ranking factor and when the user quickly exit the pages which are loading slow and which will definitely impact on your ranking. GTmetrix, page speed insights are one of the best tools to check page speed performance.

9. Find and Fix Broken Links:

Having broken links on your website affects your website performance, and also shows a negative impact on your website ranking. Broken link checker and Xenu sleuth software are the best tools to find broken links.

Types Of Broken Links:

  • Page not found-404
  • Forbidden-403
  • Unauthorized-401
  • Bad request- 400
  • Internal Server down-501


The above-mentioned tips are helpful to fix website issues and to perform comprehensive SEO audit to achieve quality results for your website to boost your rankings in search engine.

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