Difference between Bounce rate and Exit rate & 18 Main Important points to reduce Bounce rate and Exit rate.

Bounce Rate Vs Exit Rate


The bounce rate and exit rate are the two metrics that tell about the performance of a visitor.

As both belong to the Google Analytics tool which is one of the outstanding tools.

This tool will help you to know more about your site visitors and gives an idea of how to convert them.

In this article, you will find what’s the difference between the Bounce Rate and Exit Rate, how these metrics are important for us and how to decrease them.

Let’s talk about what is Bounce Rate and what is the Exit rate?

What is Bounce Rate?

Bounce Rate is the percentage of the audience who visits your site without visiting another page of your website. 


If you have a website consisting of X, Y and Z pages. 

Now will see how a customer use your website

Let’s start from 

Monday: New visitor > page X > exit

Tuesday: New Visitor > page X > page Y > exit

Wednesday: New visitor > page Y > exit

Thursday: New visitor > page X > page Y > page Z > exit

Friday: New Visitor > page Z > page X > page Y > exit

Saturday: New Visitor > page Z > exit

If you see above 6 sessions bounce rate occurred on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Whereas the exit rate occurred all the 6 sessions. 

As coming to the bounce rate on 3 sessions Mon, Wed and Saturday a new visitor entered only one page of your website but didn’t entered to another page. 

At these 3 sessions, your bounce rate will increase. And it is calculated as 

what is bounce rate

What is the Exit rate?

The exit rate is the percentage of visitors who came out of that page. 

The exit rate is the number of exits from the current web page comparing to the number of views of the page received.

Exit rate is calculated as 

What is exit rate

As compared to the above example 

Monday: New visitor > page X > exit

Tuesday: New Visitor > page X > page Y > exit

Wednesday: New visitor > page Y > exit

Thursday: New visitor > page X > page Y > page Z > exit

Friday: New Visitor > page Z > page X > page Y exit

Saturday: New Visitor > page Z > exit

In this example, everyday exit rate occurred and the bounce rate is 3 days. The other remaining days most of the visitors entering into page X but not existing there. Here page exit rate is less.

Whereas page Y exit rate is more as we see in 3 sessions there is exit through the page Y.

Importance of Bounce Rate and Exit Rate

Both metrics Bounce rate and exit rate are important depending upon purposes. 

High bounce rate cause due to the

  • Low quality of content
  • Low page speed 
  • A visitor can’t find what he is looking for 
  • Poor Designing
  • Hard content
  • Poorly written content

It is important to know why your bounce rate is increasing and decreasing by analyzing Google Analytics.

Whereas coming to the exit rate it is important to know how many percentages of people are existing form a particular page of your website without converting. So that you will take the necessary actions and make visitors convert. 

The main reasons people exit from web pages are

  • They cant find what they are looking for 
  • Due to low page speed
  • They can’t feel secure

Know the purpose of the website and provide useful information on what the audience is looking for.

How to reduce the Bounce rate and Exit rate 

These are the main keys to reduce your Bounce rate and Exit rate

  1. Write readable content
  2. Include High-Quality Images to attract user attention 
  3. Don’t use pop-ups
  4. Optimize call of action placement 
  5. Build your site easy to search
  6. Optimize page speed
  7. Use sidebar promotions and widgets
  8. Include a clear and single call to action.
  9. Use helpful internal linking 
  10. Delete or update old pages
  11. Optimize your site for mobile-friendly 
  12. Provide the best user experience 
  13. Run A/B split test
  14. Use interesting videos to engage your users
  15. Always target engaged users
  16. Make easy navigations to reach one page to another page on your website
  17. Always provide relevant information before adding to cart
  18. Extend external links in new tab

By following the above key points and data from Google Analytics you can improve your conversion rate and visitors to your website by decreasing the bounce rate and exit rate.  

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